History of Skirts � Garment For Both Men and Women? history-of-skirts http://www.luxemag.org Mon, 22 Jul 2013 17:02:07 +0100 FeedCreator 1.7.2 http://www.luxemag.org/fashion-history/history-of-skirts.html#josc1744 Very well written history and absolute correctly researched. The skirt became common public a women\'s garment in the 17th century, beginning with the French Revolution in westernized societies. Men in other cultures kept skirted garments until today. Martinus Sat, 03 Dec 2011 04:23:39 +0100 Mini-skirts ... For men http://www.luxemag.org/fashion-history/history-of-skirts.html#josc1796 This article has some gaps. The skirt was a male garment until today, but women took over (call it borrowed) it from men in their own style. Mini skirts were common for men in western Europe until 17th century so that newspaper in central Europe (German) wrote complain that men\'s skirts already so short that people could see what\'s underneath. Mary quant introduced the miniskirt in the 1960\'s for women, and that was new after the skirt already was only knee length for women. Before there was a huge change for women\'s skirt length after WW I. After WW II women took over pants, suits, shirts, ties, shorts, man\'s hats and caps. Mara Mon, 06 Feb 2012 03:38:33 +0100